David Wilkinson & John Paul Jackson

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EnochWalked: www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/our-common-agenda-policy-brief-gobal-digi-compact-en.pdf Page 8: "Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts" "Drone technology can monitor crops" "Novel platform-based vaccine technologies" Sept 20, 2024 19:15:33 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.thejc.com/news/israel/haniyeh-rejected-billions-and-a-palestinian-state-son-reveals-uxpgunbb "the late Hamas leader, turned down a deal offering billions of dollars and the establishment of a Palestinian state". "offered a deal by Kushner". Sept 20, 2024 20:08:08 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.vanityfair.com/news/story/donald-trump-gives-supporters-the-green-light-to-blame-jews-if-he-loses-in-november “If I don’t win this election … the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss.” Will the next Jan. 6th riots target Synagogues? Sept 20, 2024 20:47:13 GMT -6
EnochWalked: fortune.com/2024/09/17/ai-humans-control-computer-scientists-warnings-regulations-governments/ “Loss of human control or malicious use of these AI systems could lead to catastrophic outcomes for all of humanity”. Safe AI is like unsinkable ships. Sept 21, 2024 12:19:08 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.wired.com/story/united-nations-artificial-intelligence-report/ "The United Nations Wants to Treat AI With the Same Urgency as Climate Change". "report proposes that the {UN} take a much more active role in the monitoring & oversight of AI" Sept 21, 2024 12:25:12 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/texas-abortion-ban-deaths-pregnant-women-sb8-analysis-rcna171631 "rate of maternal deaths in Texas increased 56% from 2019 to 2022, compared with just 11% nationwide". That won't encourage prospective parents. Sept 21, 2024 13:22:31 GMT -6
EnochWalked: abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/experts-urge-united-nations-lay-foundations-global-governance-113862650 '[the] U.N. Secretary-General [said] coordinated action is needed to keep the threat of AI from becoming an uncontrolled “monster.”' A beast? Sept 21, 2024 23:18:43 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/governing_ai_for_humanity_final_report_en.pdf Page 29: "Experts’ levels of concern about AI risks" "Unintended autonomous actions by AI systems:" 42% of experts are Very/Concerned about this. 14% are Not Concerned. Sept 21, 2024 23:33:14 GMT -6
EnochWalked: If we create a machine which is even just as smart as an average PhD student, but can run a million or a billion times faster than the human brain (possibly by just being copied a billion times), then "unintended autonomous actions" could go really badly. Sept 21, 2024 23:36:43 GMT -6
EnochWalked: interestingengineering.com/health/new-hiv-vaccination-methods-revealed "Defeating AIDS: MIT reveals new vaccination method that could kill HIV in just two shots". How long until these "AIDS injections" become required by governments / insurers? Sept 21, 2024 23:50:35 GMT -6
EnochWalked: thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4891336-north-carolina-chapel-hill-republicans-voter-id/ "state law [does not forbid] approval of digital or electronic photo identification, like the UNC Mobile One Card, as means of proving one’s ID for voting" Sept 22, 2024 2:31:55 GMT -6
EnochWalked: I wonder if there are any minimum standards for these digital IDs. Can they be issued by any private company? Even if not based in the US? Will there be a SCOTUS decision requiring all states to accept each other's ID cards, like accepting their marriages? Sept 22, 2024 2:35:16 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.dimsumdaily.hk/north-koreas-kim-jong-un-allegedly-labels-china-a-longstanding-enemy/ "amid heightened measures by China against North Korea, including stringent controls on smuggling and the alleged detention... of goods personally used by Kim" Sept 22, 2024 8:47:08 GMT -6
EnochWalked: Is China trying to precipitate a coup or regime change there? If the North became a Chinese protectorate or puppet state, then a deal could be done behind the scenes to scrap their homegrown nuclear program and build up the economy. Sept 22, 2024 8:53:58 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.businessinsider.com/worldcoin-sam-altman-iris-scanning-face-auth-tools-humanity-ubi-2024-8 "Sam Altman's Worldcoin turns your iris into a code for universal basic income. Its privacy chief wants you to chill about your data." Sept 22, 2024 10:27:48 GMT -6
EnochWalked: For what it's worth, in Israel it's now September 23rd and the time is 9:00 am. I don't necessarily expect anything notable to happen for the 7th anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign, but I'll be keeping track of what the UN are up to. Sept 23, 2024 0:02:53 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.un.org/en/summit-of-the-future "New York, 2024. Summit of the Future. 20-21 September — Action Days. 22-23 September — Summit". Perhaps there'll be some interesting agreement or statement published at the end of the summit. Sept 23, 2024 0:04:44 GMT -6
EnochWalked: www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/blog/2024/09/press-release-sotf-2024/ "United Nations adopts ground-breaking Pact for the Future to transform global governance". This could be the main outcome from the summit. Sept 23, 2024 2:47:01 GMT -6
EnochWalked: "The first multilateral recommitment to nuclear disarmament in more than a decade, with a clear commitment to the goal of totally eliminating nuclear weapons." Which countries agreed to that? I'm guessing it was countries that don't currently have nukes. Sept 23, 2024 2:49:06 GMT -6
EnochWalked: "The Global Digital Compact, annexed to the Pact, is the first comprehensive global framework for digital cooperation and AI governance." "Make the online space safe for all ... through actions by governments, tech companies and social media". Sept 23, 2024 2:51:50 GMT -6
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